51 items found

Rexel Polished Pocket Reinforced Green Strip Top-opening 80 Micron A4 Glass Clear Ref 12265 [Pack 100]
Product Code: 008772  12265  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Rexel Nyrex Pocket Reinforced Blue Strip Top-opening 85 Micron A4 Clear Ref 12233 [Pack of 25]
Product Code: 022462  12233  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Rexel Nyrex Pocket Reinforced Red Strip Side-opening 85 Micron A4 Clear Ref 12253 [Pack of 25]
Product Code: 022489  12253  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Oxford Quick-in Punched Pocket Polypropylene Top-opening 70 Micron A4 Clear Ref 400012939 [Pack 100]
Product Code: 102761  400012939  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Rexel Nyrex Heavy-duty Pocket Polypropylene Top and Side-opening 115 Micron A4 Clear Ref 11031 [Pack 25]
Product Code: 108661  11031  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Rexel Superfine Pocket Multipunched Polypropylene Top-opening 43 Micron A4 Clear Ref 11040 [Pack 100]
Product Code: 109829  11040  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Oxford CD/DVD Punched Pockets 200 Micron Glass Clear Ref 100206995 [Pack 10]
Product Code: 113013  100206995  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Sseco Expandable Pocket Polypropylene Biodegradable Top-opening 180 Micron A4 Clear Ref EPP-10 [Pack 10]
Product Code: 113659  EPP-10  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Esselte Standard Punched Pocket Polypropylene Top-opening 70 Micron A4 Clear Ref 23753 [Pack 100]
Product Code: 127510  23752  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Esselte Economy Punched Pocket Polypropylene Top-opening 43 Micron A4 Clear Ref 56133 [Pack 100]
Product Code: 127529  56133  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
5 Star Office Self Adhesive Pockets Top Opening 120 Micron A4 Clear [Pack 10]
Product Code: 127575  127575  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Leitz Premium Expanding Pocket with Flap Top-opening 170 Micron A4 Clear Ref 47573003 [Pack 5]
Product Code: 127591  47573003  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Leitz Premium Expanding Pocket Top-opening 170 Micron A4 Clear Ref 47188 [Pack 5]
Product Code: 127592  47188  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Leitz Premium Presentation Pocket Green Strip Top Opening 80 Micron A4 Ref 147710002 [Pack 100]
Product Code: 127602  47710002  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
5 Star Elite Expanding Punched Pocket Polypropylene Top-opening No Flap 170 Micron A4 Clear Pack 10
Product Code: 134633  134633  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
5 Star Office Punched Pocket Polypropylene Top and Side-opening 40 Micron A4 Glass Clear [Pack 100]
Product Code: 134635  134635  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Oxford Punched Pocket Pad 60 Pockets A4 Glass Clear Ref 400129426
Product Code: 142970  400129426  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Leitz Recycle A4 Pocket, CO2 neutral
Product Code: 165965  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
5 Star Office Punched Pocket Embossed Polypropylene Top-opening 40 Micron A4 Clear [Pack 100]
Product Code: 297013  297013  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Rexel Nyrex Business Card Pocket Multipunched A4 Clear Ref 13681 [Pack 10]
Product Code: 402735  13681  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Rexel Nyrex Extra Capacity Pocket Punched PVC Half Size Top-opening 170 Micron A4 Ref 13680 [Pack 5]
Product Code: 402840  13680  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Rexel Nyrex Premium Presentation Pocket Top and Side-opening 90 Micron A4 Glass Clear Ref 13682 [Pack 25]
Product Code: 402875  13682  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Snopake Bio2 Pocket Oxo-biodegradable Blue Strip Top-opening 60 Micron A4 Clear Ref 15440 [Pack 100]
Product Code: 411798  15440  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Oxford Expanding Pchd Pocket Extra Capacity Polyprop with Flap 180 Micron A4 Clr Ref 100080754 [Pack 10]
Product Code: 420060  100080754  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
5 Star Office Punched Pocket Polypropylene Green Strip Top-opening 45 Micron A4 Glass Clear [Pack 100]
Product Code: 464718  464718  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Oxford Pchd Pocket Polyprop Blue Strip Top-opening 75 Micron A4 Emb Clear Ref 400002150 [Pack 100]
Product Code: 494633  400002150  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Oxford Pchd Pocket Polyprop Green Strip Top-opening 55 Micron A4 Clear Ref 400002137 [Pack 100]
Product Code: 495094  400002137  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Esselte Coloured Punched Pocket Polypropylene Top-opening 55 Micron A4 Red Ref 47203 [Pack 10]
Product Code: 496521  47203  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Esselte Coloured Punched Pocket Polypropylene Top-opening 55 Micron A4 Blue Ref 47205 [Pack 10]
Product Code: 496548  47205  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Esselte Coloured Punched Pocket Polypropylene Top-opening 55 Micron A4 Yellow Ref 47201 [Pack 10]
Product Code: 496556  47201  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Esselte Heavy-duty Punched Pocket Polypropylene Top-opening 115 Micron A4 Clear Ref 47187 [Pack 25]
Product Code: 496602  47187  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Concord Ring Binder Stud Wallet Polypropylene with Card Pocket 180 Micron A4 Clear Ref 6126-PFL [Pack 5]
Product Code: 573535  6126-PFL  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Leitz Premium Presentation Pocket Blue Strip Top and Side-opening 75 Micron A4 Clear Ref 62011 [Pack 25]
Product Code: 627238  62011  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
5 Star Value Punched Pocket Polypropylene Embossed Top-opening 40 Microns A4 Clear [Pack 100]
Product Code: 638353  638353  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Rexel Nyrex Extra Capacity Pocket Punched PVC Top-opening 170 Micron A4 Ref 2001016 [Pack 5]
Product Code: 706005  2001016  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Rexel Nyrex Premium Presentation Pockets Top-opening 90 Micron A4 Glass Clear Ref 2001018 [Pack 50]
Product Code: 706048  2001018  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Rexel Eco-Filing Punched Pocket Recycled Polypropylene Top-opening 100 Micron A4 Ref 2102242 [Pack 25]
Product Code: 844124  2102242  - Each
availability 08/01/2025, when ordered today
Oxford Expanding Pchd Pocket Extra Capacity Polypropylene 180 Micron A4 Clear Ref 100080753 [Pack 10]
Product Code: 850188  100080753  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
Oxford Pchd Pocket Polypropylene Top-opening 70 Micron A4 Gls Clear Ref 400005371 [Pack 100]
Product Code: 859599  400076152  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
5 Star Office Punched Pocket Polypropylene Top and Side-opening 50 Micron A4 Glass Clear [Pack 100]
Product Code: 908331  908331  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
5 Star Office Punched Pocket Polypropylene Embossed Blue Strip Top-opening 60 Micron A4 Clear [Pack 100]
Product Code: 908358  908358  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
5 Star Office Punched Pocket Polypropylene Top-opening 70 Micron A4 Glass Clear [Pack 100]
Product Code: 908366  908366  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
5 Star Elite Presentation Punched Pocket Polypropylene Top-opening 90 Micron A4 Glass Clear [Pack 10]
Product Code: 908390  908390  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
5 Star Elite Expanding Punched Pocket with Flap Polypropylene Top-opening 170 Micron A4 Clear [Pack 10]
Product Code: 908404  908404  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
5 Star Office Punched Pocket Polyprop Reinforced Red Strip Top Opening 75 Mic A4 Clear [Pack 25]
Product Code: 940649  940649  - Each
availability 24/12/2024, when ordered today
5 Star Office Punched Pockets A4 Embossed 110 Micron [Pack 25]
Product Code: 944398  3362045  - Each
availability 26/12/2024, when ordered today
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